West Cork Choral Singers
1. The choir shall be known as the West Cork Choral Singers.
2. The choir is a non-profitmaking organisation.
3. The choir’s aims and objectives:
- to enjoy making music together and to inspire and encourage others in every area of choral singing.
- to educate ourselves and the public in choral singing by performing works of all genres.
- to provide a platform for solo performers and composers.
- to promote good relations within the community and internationally.
4. Membership shall be open to anyone above the age of 16. The Committee has the right to refuse membership.
5. New members will be approved by the Musical Director. A voice test may be requested.
6. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th October each year. Three weeks’ notice of the AGM shall be given. The date of the AGM will be noted in the attendance register in the practice hall for three consecutive weeks. A review of the year and a financial report will be presented at the AGM.
7. At the Annual General Meeting a committee shall be elected, consisting of: Chairman, Vice-Chairman (it is recommended that both Chair and Vice-Chair should already have served one year on the committee), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary/Assistant Treasurer, P.R.O., Librarian. Officers cannot be elected for the same position for more than three consecutive years. The Musical Director is automatically on the committee.
8. A new Musical Director can only be appointed at an Extraordinary General Meeting or an Annual General Meeting.
9. Should any vacancies arise on the committee during the year, the elected Committee shall be empowered to fill the vacancies by co-option.
10. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held during the year if requested and supported by at least half the members of the choir. At least three weeks’ notice must be given to the choir of such a meeting.
11. The Committee shall hold a minimum of one meeting every two months. A minimum of five members must be present.
12. The Committee shall be solely responsible for arranging all engagements, competitions social functions and other activities.
13. Subscriptions, as recommended by the Committee and approved at the AGM, shall be payable by all members.
14. From time to time the rules will be put before the AGM for approval.
15. Any member who continually misses practices without a valid reason may have his future membership reviewed by the Committee. The Musical Director has the power to decide who sings in a performance.
16. The Committee shall have the authority to expel any member if it is considered to be in the best interest of the choir.
17. Amendments to the Constitution may be made at any General Meeting attended by at least 50 percent of paid-up members, supported by a two-thirds majority. Any other voting shall be by simple majority.